[ Introduction ] | [ Seminar Schedule ] | [ Photos ] |
The 4th Joint Seminar between Tongji and Kyoto University in Transportation & Urban Management was held on March 14th, 2008 at Tongji University in Shanghai, China. The main themes of the seminar were transportation and urban management. Keynote speeches were delivered by Professor Xiaoguang Yang of Tongji University and Professor Kiyoshi Kobayashi of Kyoto University. Graduate students form both universities gave 30 presentations in 6 sessions. During the seminar facualty and students got a chance to learn more about the research conducted both at Kyoto and Tongji university. The seminar concluded with a joint agreement that the collaboration between the two universities should continue and expand further.
Photo provided by Professor Yang's Research Laboratory of Tongji University.
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Seminar Schedule
时间安排 Time |
报告人 Presenters |
议程/报告题目 Programme/Topic |
9:00~9:10 |
云美萍 博士 |
开幕致词 Opening Speech |
9:10~9:20 |
王德 教授 Prof. De WANG |
同济大学代表致词 Short Speech (Tongji University) |
9:20~9:30 |
小林潔司 教授 |
京都大学代表致词 Short Speech (Kyoto University) |
9:30~10:30 主持人: 杨晓光 Chair: Xiaoguang YANG |
会议主题发言 Keynote Address |
杨东援 教授 |
道路交通状态分析方法研究 Study on Road Traffic Status Analysis |
小林潔司 教授 |
知识型社会的交通与通信 |
10:30~10:45 |
茶歇 Coffee Break |
10:45~12:05 主持人: 邹智军 金 進英 Chair: Zhijun ZHOU Jinyoung KIM |
分组讨论1:交通系统分析与优化 Group Session 1: Transportation System Analysis and Optimization |
1-1 金 進英 |
城市快速路交通需求波动分析 Analysis of traffic demand fluctuations on urban expressway |
1-2 张 勇 |
信号控制道路行程时间估计器 An Estimator of Real-time Travel time on Signalized Arterial |
1-3 山崎 浩気 |
基于ETC数据的城际快速路行程时间可靠性估计研究 A Study of Travel Time Reliability Evaluation for Inter-city Expressway Using ETC Data |
1-4 吴 震 |
事件条件下交通控制优化模型 Model and optimal control under incident condition |
10:45~12:05 主持人: 王 德 克里斯塔提斯·米纳 Chair: De WANG Christakis Mina |
分组讨论2:城市与经济 Group Session 2: Urban and Economics |
2-1克里斯塔提斯·米纳 |
OLOGI:为物流业提供开放的工具、方法与数据 OLOGI: Open Tools, Methodologies and Data for the Logistics Sector For more information about the Open Logistics Initiative please visit the official website at http://psa2.kuciv.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ologi . |
2-2 罗 仁朝 Renchao LUO |
上海流动人口的空间分布特征 Spatial Characteristic of Floating Population Distribution in Shanghai |
2-3 許 大明 |
跨国企业产品与资本流动的优化 |
2-4 宋 煜 Yu SONG |
国内同城化现象刍议 A Brief introduction to "City Integration" in china |
12:05~12:20 |
参会人员合影 Seminar Group Photos |
12:20~13:30 |
招待午餐 Lunch Break |
13:30~15:10 主持人: 吴志周 倉内 文孝 Chair: Zhizhou WU Fumitaka KURAUCHI |
分组讨论3:交通流分析与管理 Group Session 3: Traffic Flow Analysis and Management |
3-1 洪 多禧 |
基于视频图像数据的驾驶员跟车行为异质性实证研究 Empirical Analysis of driver's car-following heterogeneity based on video image data |
3-2 段 征宇 Zhengyu DUAN |
交通信息系统集成实验室建设及研究介绍 Introduction of Integrated Transportaion Information Systems Laboratory |
3-3 塩見 康博 |
基于车队的交通流模型:一种快速路瓶颈路段阻塞概率估计方法 Platoon-based Traffic Flow Model: A Method of Estimating Breakdown Probability at Expressway Bottleneck |
3-4 劳 云腾 |
城市道路两类阻塞问题量化研究 Congestion Quantification of Two Kinds of Traffic Bottlenecks for Urban Road |
3-5 曾 滢 |
信号控制交叉口动态车道功能管理研究 Study on Dynamic Lane-use Management at Signal Control Intersections |
13:30~15:10 主持人: 陈佳儇 宇野 伸宏 Chair: Jiaxuan CHEN Nobuhiro UNO
分组讨论4:城市(区域)规划及物流管理 Group Session 4: Urban (Regional) Planning and Freight Management |
4-1中村 有克 |
基于时变行程时间的车辆路径选择与调度问题 Vehicle routing and scheduling problem with time-dependent travel times |
4-2张 天然 Tianran ZHANG |
基于多用户交通方式划分和交通分配组合模型的交通需求管理政策评估--以惠州为例Evaluate TDM Pricing Measures to Heterogeneous Users by Bi-criteria Nested Logit Based Combined Model Split Assignment Model--Case Study in Huizhou |
4-3 阿里·盖尔奎西 |
基于半软时间窗的车辆路径选择问题精确解法 Exact Solution Approach for Vehicle Routing Problem with Semi Soft Time Windows |
4-4陈 佳儇 Jiaxuan CHEN |
城市景观规划控制--以海门市为例 Planning Control of Urban Landscape Taking Haimen as an Example |
4-5 罗杰·普兰丹那卡 |
随机动态路网危险品运输多目标优化模型 Multiobjective Optimization Model of Hazardous Material Transportation for Stochastic, Dynamic Road Network |
15:10~15:25 |
茶歇 Coffee Break |
15:25~17:25 主持人: 周雪梅 佩特·申克 Chair: Xuemei ZHOU Petr Senk |
分组讨论5:交通行为与安全 Group Session 5: Travel Behavior and Safety |
5-1 中井 周作 |
混合logit模型参数估计稳定性 Stability of parameter estimates in the mixed logit models |
5-2 陈 炼红 Lianhong CHEN |
基于GPS浮动车采集数据的出租车运行特点研究 Research of Taxi opeation characteristcs based on GPS Floating Data |
5-3佩特·申克 |
如何告知通勤者合理的出行时间?:对认知过程的一种口头协议分析 How Do Commuters Know When to Leave Home?: A Verbal Protocol Analysis of Cognitive Processes |
5-4 隋 永芹 Yongqin SUI |
山区公路小半径曲线事故黑点改善效果评价 Improvement Effectiveness Evaluation on Traffic Accident Black Spot in Mountain Highway with Small Radius of Horizontal Curve |
5-5 阿里·塔里干 |
每周休闲活动的时间变异性:单人工作家庭与双人工作家庭的对比 The temporal variability of weekly leisure activities: Comparing one-worker and two-worker households |
5-6 赵 晓翠 Xiaocui ZHAO |
非机动车行驶行为及出行环境实验研究 Experimental Study on Riding Behavior and Travelling Environment of The Non-motorized Vehicles |
15:25~17:25 主持人: 惠 英 大庭 哲治 Chair: Ying HUI Tetsuharu OBA |
分组讨论6:城市交通环境与景观 Group Session 6: Urban Transportation Environment and Landscape |
6-1 久保田 善明 Yoshiaki KUBOTA |
桥梁结构和形式约束下的基本原则 Fundamental principles underlying the structure and form of a bridge |
6-2 叶 亮 Liang YE |
中国可持续发展交通系统的问题和对策Problems and solutions for sustainable transportation in China |
6-3 张 昀 Jun ZHANG |
通过SD法对街道空间的感知的研究 Study on the perception of street space by SD method |
6-4 松田俊一 Shunichi MATSUDA |
地方城市新型公交系统研究 A Study on Revitalising Public Transport in Local Cities |
6-5蔡 嘉璐 Jialu CAI |
城市设计:人的空间--南京东路步行街的一个[虚拟改造计划] Urban Design: Space for HumanA [Pilot Reconstruction Project] of the East Nanjing Pedestrian Road |
6-6惠 英 Ying HUI |
历史街区交通规划探讨 Discuss of historic area transport planning |
17:25~17:45 |
闭幕式 Closing Ceremony |
17:45~20:00 |
招待晚宴 Hospitality Dinner |
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Seminar Photos
Following are some photographs taken during the seminar. Please click on the thumbnails for the full size photos. More photos can be found at Professor Yang's Research Laboratory website.
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最終更新日 2013年3月04日(月曜)11:31