
Fernando Corrales Barboza


Fernando Corrales Barboza

From Buenos Aires, Argentina

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About my research in Prof. Kobayashi Laboratory

Research Topic: "A Framework to Analyze Political Space in News Media Using Ontology Engineering"

The aim of my current research is to develop an ontology-based computational framework to analyze political space and debate structure on a controversial public topic, according to ideologically distant news media. News media play a key role in the formation of public opinion, and as political players' dynamics are closely linked to public opinion processes, they also play a major role in the conformation of political space. It can be hypothesized that depending on the political position that political players occupies on the political space, their public interactions may have a differentiated treatment on media, according to the editorial line of the media in consideration. However, how can it be measured? By using corpus extraction techniques, SPARQL queries, and ontology engineering, my research compares the position that key political players occupy in the debate structure and political space modeled by two ideologically distant news media sources, on a same controversial public topic.

About me


2012-To date. Master Candidate. International Course in Urban and Regional Development, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan.

2010-2002 . B.S. in Architecture. School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Work Experience

2010. Architect and planner. Federal Program for Socio-community Integration, Undersecretary of Urban Development and Housing - Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services of Argentina.

2009-2007. Intern. Federal Program for Socio-community Integration, Undersecretary of Urban Development and Housing - Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services of Argentina.

Academic Career

2011. Research Student. Planning and Management Systems Laboratory, Department of Urban Management, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan.

2010-2007. Teacher Assistant. History of Architecture and Planning III, School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Scholarships and Fellowships

2011-To date. Monbukagakusho Scholarship (MEXT JAPAN). Awarded by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (obtained by Embassy Recommendation). Supervisor: Dr. Kiyoshi Kobayashi.

2009-2008. Research Scholarship for Group Projects. Awarded by the National Endowment for the Arts, Ministry of Culture of Argentina. Supervisor: Dr. Rosa Aboy.

2008-2007. Research Fellowship SICyT. Awarded by the Committee on Scientific and Technological Research of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Supervisor: Dr. Ricardo de Sarraga.


Book Chapter:

CORRALES BABOZA, F., YACUZZI, P., TSUJI A. and L. CRISCILLO (2009). The variability of roof structures in the Pune region. Materials, techniques and constructive knowledge based on field experience in Susques and Rinconada. In: TOMASI, J. and C. RIVET. Pune and Architecture. Working with the community and Earth Construction. FADU UBA. Buenos Aires.

Papers and Conference Proceedings:

HATORI, T., KOBAYASHI, K., JEONG, H., and CORRALES BARBOZA, F. (2012) Discourse Theory and normative evaluation of public debates. The 9th Workshop on Social Capital and Development Trends, 2012, Serlen, Sweden.

HATORI, T., KOBAYASHI, K., JEONG, H., and CORRALES BARBOZA, F. (2012) Discourse Theory and normative evaluation of public debates. The 4th International Conference on Water Supply Management System and Social Capital, Makassar, Indonesia.

NUVIALA, V., GUTIERREZ NOA, A.and CORRALES BARBOZA, F. (2009). Mario Buschiazzo: A look at the American Modernity. The Library of Modern Architecture, Theories of Architecture and Project 1901-1962, Rosario, Argentina.

CORRALES BARBOZA, F. (2008). Analysis of processes in socio-spatial conformation of the city. The case of Villa 15 ‘Hidden City’ since the mid-century to the present. XVI Young Researchers Conference: Research in Latin American Universities, Montevideo, Uruguay.

CORRALES BARBOZA, F. (2007). Neighbourhoods turned into Segregated Urban Cores. The case of 'Fuerte Apache'. XII Latin American Architecture Seminar: Research in Architecture and Urbanism in Latin America, Concepcion, Chile.

DE SARRAGA, R. and CORRALES BARBOZA, F. (2007). Methodological approaches to integrate teaching and researching in Villa 15 ‘Hidden City’. XII Conference on Research FADU-UBA SI + URB City and Territory, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

TOMASI, J., RIVET, C., CORRALES BARBOZA, F., REISNER, D., and GUERRERO, V. (2007). Puna and Architecture: A shared learning experience. Workshop for Teachers of Architecture, Tucuman, Argentina.

Participation in Research Projects

2011-To date. Project Assistant. Concern Assessment Research Group. Director: Dr. Kiyoshi Kobayashi. Kyoto University, Japan.

2010-2006. Project Assistant. Project UBACyT A813 Epistemological strategies from the theory of dwelling, for an analytical and critical renewal of architecture. Director: Dr. Rosa Aboy. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2007-2008. Project Assistant. Project UBACyT A049 Urban Analysis of General Belgrano Neighbourhood (Villa 15). Director: Dr. Ricardo de Sarraga. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Participation in Research Seminars

2008. The City and the Urban Agenda. Organized by the Institute of the Conurbano/INFOH?BITAT, National University of General Sarmiento, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2008. Exchange Workshop of Experiences on Rural Housing Projects. Organized by the Undersecretary of Urban Development and Housing, Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Participation in Volunteering Projects

2008-2006. Project Pune and Architecture. University Volunteer Program, Secretariat of University Policies, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Argentina. Director: Dr. Jorge Tomasi.


最終更新日 2013年10月30日(水曜)17:09


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