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 ~People are more beautiful than a flower ~
  ~사람이 꽃 보다 아름답다~


鄭 蝦榮 | ジョン ハヨン | JEONG Hayeong | 정 하영
contact: hayeong*psa2.mbox.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp

2001年 韓国東亜大学都市・造景学科 都市計画専攻 修了
2003年 韓国東亜大学大学院都市工学研究科 修士課程 修了
2008年 京都大学大学院工学研究科 都市社会工学 計画マネジメント論分野 博士課程 修了
現在 京都大学大学院工学研究科 都市社会工学 GCOE特定研究員 アジア都市ガバナンス研究
[GCOE Home Page]/ [GCOE Newletter 1] / [GCOE Newletter 2] / [GCOE Newletter 3]
(Master's Thesis)
Hayeong JEONG, (2003) “A study on the relationship between a population size and QOL in Busan of an Autonomous Region”, Dong-A University. (in Korean)
(Doctoral Thesis)
Hayeong JEONG, (2008) " A Study on Public Deliberation in Provision of Social Overhead Capital" ,Kyoto University (in Japanese). 社会資本整備における公的討議に関する研究
Public Involvement研究 PI研究委員会(建設コンサルタント協会) (2006年4月から2009年3月まで)
  コンサーンアセスメント研究会(Concern Assessment Research Groups)(2009年2月から)
過疎地域研究 MARG (Marginal Areas Research Groups) (2006年4月から現在まで)
30年後の日南町の姿プロジェクト (2006年4月から2009年3月まで)
■Awards and Honors (賞罰)


鄭 蝦榮、小林 潔司、羽鳥 剛史、白松 俊、2010, ファセット分解と公的討議の談話分析、土木学会論文集F4(建設マネジメント)特集号、Vol.66, No.1, pp.45-56.
■Grant in Aid (外部資金)


科学研究費(Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research) 若手研究(B) 課題番号:23760486


科学研究費(Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research) 若手研究(Start up)


「英文:Participatory Approach to Water Management:Private Provision of Public Good and Social Capital」
■Book articles


Tsuyoshi Hatori, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, and Hayeong Jeong (2008) Third Party Reviews and Trust Formation in Forest Management, in Kiyoshi Kobayashi,Lars Westin, and Hans Westlund(Eds.);Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas Vol.3, pp.117-126,ISBN 978-91-7264-669-8.


K.Kobayashi, T.Hatori, H.Jeong (2008) The benefit and cost allocation of the conservation projects of a rural landscape,in: K.Kobayashi, L.Westin, H. Westlind, (eds.) Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas, Vol.3, pp.139-148,ISBN 978-91-7264-669-8


T. Hatori,H.Jeong, K.Kobayashi (2008);Regional learning and trust formation,in: I. Berenhard (ed.), Spatial Dispersed Production and Network Governance pp.325-346.


K.Kobayashi, T.Tamura, H.Westlund, and H.Jeong(Eds.)(2009) Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas Vol.4 ISBN 978-4-907830-06-9.


H.Jeong,T.Hatori, and K.Kobayashi (2009) A protocol analysis of public debate using facet theory,in K.Kobayashi, T.Tamura, H.Westlund, and H.Jeong(Eds.) Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas, Vol.3, pp.265-281, ISBN 978-4-907830-06-9


K.Kobayashi and H.Jeong(2009) Economic sustainability of family farming in depopulation area - a case study in totori region,in K.Kobayashi, T.Tamura, H.Westlund, and H.Jeong(Eds.) Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas, Vol.3, pp.265-281, ISBN 978-4-907830-06-9


A.R.D.Isumu, K. Kobayashi, K. Matsushima, H. Jeong (2010) Water Supply System in Singosari District Malang Regency Case Study: Toyomarto & Candi Renggo Village, pp.65-80, in K.Kobayashi and I.Syabri (eds.) Water Supply Management System and Social Capital Vol 1. International Technology of Bandung Press.


H. Jeong, K. Kobayashi, K. Matsushima, A.R.D.Isumu (2010) A Study on Poverty Problem by Resource Scarcity - A Literature Review on Responsibility and Welfare, pp.50-64, in K.Kobayashi and I.Syabri (eds.) Water Supply Management System and Social Capital Vol 1. International Technology of Bandung Press.


K.Kobayashi, T.Hatori and H.Jeong (2009) Third Party Reviews and Trsut Formation, pp.122-129, in K.Kobayashi, K.Abdul Rashid, G.Ofori, and S.Ogunlana (eds.) (2009) Joint Ventures in Construction, Thomastelford.


K.Kobayashi, M.Onishi, and H.Jeong (2010) Entrepreuner Urban Policies and Regional Learning Governance, in Johansson, Karlsson and Stough (eds.) Agglomeration, Clusters and Entrepreneurship: Studies in Regional Economic Development"  E. Elgar Publ. (tentative)


K.Kobayashi, H.Westlund, and H.Jeong (eds.) (2011) Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas, Vol.6, MARG, ISBN: 978-4-907830-07-6


K.Kobayashi, H.Westlund, and H.Jeong(2011) Change the Social Structure and Social Capital: In K.Kobayashi, H.Westlund, and H.Jeong (eds.) (2011) Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas, Vol.6, pp.1-8


K.Kobayashi and H.Jeong(2011) Social Capital for Sustainable Rural Regions:In K.Kobayashi, H.Westlund, and H.Jeong (eds.) (2011) Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas, Vol.6, pp.21-39


H.Jeong (2011) Resource Allocation and Social Capital: In K.Kobayashi, H.Westlund, and H.Jeong (eds.) (2011) Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas, Vol.6, pp.91-99


H.Jeong (2011) Water Rights and Participatory Approaches : In K.Kobayashi and J.Hermana (eds.)(2011) Water Supply Management System and Social Capital Vol.2, pp.41-55, Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Press.


K.Ogi, I.R.D.Ari, K.Matsushima,H.Jeong(2011) Participatory Approach to Community Based Water Supply System: In K.Kobayashi and J.Hermana (eds.)(2011) Water Supply Management System and Social Capital Vol.2, pp.79-92, Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Press.


Hayeong Jeong, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Tsuyoshi Hatori, and Shun Shiramatsu (2012) Facet Decomposition and Discourse Analysis: Visualization of Conflict Structure, in: Muhammad Tanvir Afzal (ed.) Semantics in Action: Applications and Scenarios, Intech, pp.189-206. ISBN 978-953-51-0536-7 Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/semantics-in-action-applications-and-scenarios/Facet Decomposition  and Discouse Analysis: Visualization of Conflict Structure


K.Kobayashi, H.Westlund, and H.Jeong (eds.) (2012) Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas, Vol.7, MARG, ISBN: 978-4-907830-08-3


H. Jeong (2012) Collective Action and Water Right, in: K. Kobayashi, Surjono, I.R.D.Ari (eds.) Water Supply Management System and Social Capital, pp.33-47, Universitas Brawijaya Press, ISBN: 978-602-203-124-6.
■Journal articles accepted or under progress for publication


羽鳥 剛史、鄭 蝦榮、小林 潔司、2008、 ”第3者委員会の公開と信頼形成への影響”、土木学会論文集、D Vol.64 No.2 pp.148-169.
Tsuyoshi HATORI, Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI and Hayeong JEONG, "The Open Public Debate and the Impacts upon Trust Formation", JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management, D, Vol. 64, No. 2, pp.148-167 (in Japanese)


Hayeong JEONG, Shun SHIRAMATSU, Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI, and Tsuyoshi HATORI, "Discourse Analysis of Public Debates Using Corpus Linguistic Methodologies", Journal of Computers, vol 3, issue 8, pp.58-68 August 2008 ISSN: 1796-203X , PDF Download


鄭 蝦榮、小林 潔司、羽鳥 剛史、白松 俊、2010, ファセット分解と公的討議の談話分析、土木学会論文集F4(建設マネジメント)特集号、Vol.66, No.1, pp.45-56.
Hayeong Jeong, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Tsuyoshi Hatori, and Shun Shiramatsu (2010) "Facet Decomposition and Discourse Analysis of Public Debate", Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. F4 (Construction and Management) Special Issue, Vol.66, No.1, pp.45-56.


Hatori, T., Kobayashi, K., Jeong, H. (2011) Public Reviews and Trust Formation in Disaster Risk Management, Journal of Natural Disaster Science, Vol.32, No.2, pp.89-97.


鄭 蝦榮、松島 格也、小林 潔司 (2012) アイデンティティと過疎中山間地域におけるおつきあい行動-日南町を事例に,土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学)、Vol.68, No.5, I_499-I_511.


羽鳥 剛史、小林 潔司、鄭 蝦榮、2013、"討議理論と公的討論の規範的評価", 土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学)、Vol.69, No.2, pp.101-120.


鄭 蝦榮、羽鳥 剛史、小林 潔司、“公共プロジェクトを対象としたマスメディアのメッセージ内容分析”、土木学会論文集、(投稿中)
■Peer-reviewed papers


Tsuyoshi HATORI, Kiyoshi KORAYASHI, Hayeong JEONG (2006) Third Party Reviews and Trust Formation in Forest Management, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Multi-national Joint Venture for Construction Works, pp. 51-59.


Hayeong JEONG, Tsuyoshi HATORI, Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI (2007) Discourse Analysis of Public Debates: A Corpus-based Approach”, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference, pp.1782-1793, Canada.


Kobayashi, K., Hatori, T., and Jeong, H. (2007) Regional Learning and Trust Formation in Mangrove Management, Proceedings of International Seminar on Wetland & Sustainability, pp.163-168, Malaysia.


Jeong, H. Hatori, T., and Kobayashi, K.(2007) Application of Corpus Retrieval Systems to Suppport Public Deliberation in Mangrove Management, Proceedings of International Seminar on Wetland & Sustainability, pp.293-306, Malaysia.


K. Kobayashi, T. Hatori, H. Jeong, (2008) Trust, Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Multi-National Joint Venture for Construction Works, pp. 188-211, Taiwan.


Jeong, H. (2009) Trends of Mangrove forest allocation system and resource scarcity impact on the poor", Proceedings of International Seminar on Wetland & Sustainability 2009, pp.55-64, Malaysia.


H.Jeong, K.Kobayashi and M.Onishi (2009) Entrepreneur Urban Policies and Regional Learning Governance, in I.Bernhard(ed.)12th Uddevalla Symposium 2009: The Geography of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, p.631-648, Bari, Italy.


HATORI, T., KOBAYASHI, K., JEONG, H., and CORRALES BARBOZA, F. (2012) Discourse Theory and normative evaluation of public debates. The 9th Workshop on Social Capital and Development Trends, 2012, Serlen, Sweden.


HATORI, T., KOBAYASHI, K., JEONG, H., and CORRALES BARBOZA, F. (2012) Discourse Theory and normative evaluation of public debates. The 4th International Conference on Water Supply Management System and Social Capital, Makassar, Indonesia.
■Conference Proceedings


鄭 蝦榮、伊 時雲、李 光国、“QOL指数を利用した釜山市の適正人口規模の推計に関する研究”、大韓国土・都市計画学会秋季学術大会、2002年10月


Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Tsuyoshi HATORI, Hayeong JEONG, “The Benefit and Cost Allocation of the Conservation Projects of A rural landscape”, Marginal Areas Research Group, 2006


羽鳥 剛史・神永希・鄭 蝦榮・小林 潔司, “過疎地域における人的交流と社会的レジャー形成に関する研究”, 都市計画学春大会、(2007.5.7受付)


Kobayashi, K.,Jeong, H.: "Economic Sustainability of Family Farming in Depopulated Area - A Case Study in Tottori Region", The 4th Workshop on Social Capital and Development Trends in Japan’s and Sweden’s Countryside, Aug. 2007


Hayeong JEONG, Tsuyoshi HATORI, Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI, “Protocol analysis of a public debate using facet theory” , The 4th Workshop on Social Capital and Development Trends in Japan’s and Sweden’s Countryside, Aug. 2007


鄭 蝦榮、羽鳥 剛史、小林 潔司、白松 俊、”ファセット学習モデルを用いた公的討議のプロトコル分析”、第36回土木計画研究発表会2007年11月


H. Jeong, K. Kobayashi, K. Matsushima,A.R.D.Isumu(2009) A Study on Poverty Problem by Resource Scarcity - A Literature Review on Responsibility and Welfare, The 1st International Workshop on Water Supply Management and Social Capital, ITB, Indonesia.


A.R.D.Isumu, K. Kobayashi, K. Matsushima, H. Jeong (2009) Water Supply System in Singosari District Malang Regency Case Study: Toyomarto & Candi Renggo Village,The 1st International Workshop on Water Supply Management and Social Capital, ITB, Indonesia.


Kobayashi, K., Onishi.M, and Jeong, H. "Entrepreuner Urban Policies and Regional Learning Governance", 12th Uddevalla Symposium.


Jeong, H. (2009) Resource allocation and social capital, the 6th workshop on social capital and development trends,Japan.


Jeong,H.(2009) Water rights and participatory approaches", The Third Japan-China Joint Seminar on Applied Regional Science, Japan.


鄭 蝦榮、小林 潔司、羽鳥 剛史(2009)、”ファセット分解と公的討議のプロトコル分析”、第40回土木計画学会(秋大会)、金沢大学、2009.11.23


Ari Ismu Rini Dwi, 小林潔司,松島格也,鄭蝦榮, "Access to water and community network participatory approach to community managed water supply system", 第40回土木計画学会(秋大会)、金沢大学、Nov.2009.11.21


Jeong,H.(2010) Water rights and participatory approaches, 2nd international workshop on water supply management system and social capital, Institute Technology of Surabaya, 15-16 March, 2010.


Kenshiro OGI,Ismu Rini Dwi ARI, Hayeong JEONG, Kakuya MATSUSHIMA, Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI(2010) Participatory Approach to Community Based Water Supply System, 2nd international workshop on water supply management system and social capital, Institute Technology of Surabaya, 15-16 March, 2010.


Ismu Rini Dwi Ari, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Kakuya Matsushima, Hayeong Jeong,Kenshiro Ogi(2010) Investigating on Community Based Water Management: Club Goods and Community Network, 2nd international workshop on water supply management system and social capital, Institute Technology of Surabaya, 15-16 March, 2010.


Hayeong Jeong(2010) Participatory Approach to Water Management:Private Provision of Public Good and Social Capital, ERSA Cogress-SS:7th workshop on social capital and development trends, 19th–22nd August, 2010, Jönköping International Business School(JIBS), Sweden.


鄭 蝦榮、小林 潔司、羽鳥 剛史、白松 俊、2010, ファセット分解と公的討議の談話分析、土木学会建設マネジメント、平成22年12月15日、土木学会、東京


Hayeong Jeong(2011) Collective Action and Water Rights, 3rd International Conference on Water Supply Management System and Social Capital, 21rd Feburary, 2011, Brawijaya University, Indonesia


Jeong, H.(2011) Review on Identity for Collective Action, 8th International workshop on social capital and development trends in ruran area, Nana, Japan.


鄭蝦榮,小林潔司,松島格也 (2011) アイデンティティと過疎中山間地域におけるおつきあい行動-日南町を事例に, 第44回土木計画学研究発表会・講演集 CD-ROM


Jeong, H., Matsushima,K., and Kobayashi, K. (2012) Identity and Community Activism The 9th workshop on Social Capital and Development Trends, 24th-25th May, 2012, Österlen, Sweden.


Hatori,T., Kobayashi,K., Jeong, H., and Corrales Barboza, F. (2012) Discourse Theory and normative evaluation of public debates, The 9th Workshop on Social Capital and Development Trends, 24th-25th May, 2012, Österlen, Sweden.


鄭蝦榮,松島格也,小林潔司(2012) アイデンティティとコミュニティ計画:おつきあい行動と過疎中山間地域振興, 第45回土木計画学研究発表会・講演集 CD-ROM


Hatori,T., Kobayashi,K., Jeong, H., and Corrales Barboza, F. (2012) Discourse Theory and normative evaluation of public debates, The 4th International Conference on Water Supply Management System and Social Capital, 16th-17th July, Makassar, Indonesia.
■Project Presentations


鄭 蝦榮、” 共有地におけるガバナンスの構造に関する研究 ” , Marginal Areas Research Group, Jul. 2006


鄭 蝦榮、”公的談話におけるステークホルダーの認識記述と分析”, Public Involvement研究委員会, 建設コンサルタンツ協会 近畿支部Jan. 2007


Hayeong JEONG, “Discourse Analysis of Public Debates: A Corpus-based Approach” Department of Planning , Public Policy and Management, University of Oregon, Oct. 2007


鄭 蝦榮、”町民の声からロジックモデルを”、30年後の日南町の姿プロジェクト合同会議, 鳥取県日南町役場、2007年12月


鄭 蝦榮、“ファセットの遷移パターン分類と談話分析”、Public Involvement研究委員会, 建設コンサルタンツ協会 近畿支部. Jan. 2008


鄭 蝦榮、"不安計量と注目度”、コンサーン・アセスメント研究会2011年4月9日


鄭 蝦榮、"アイデンティティとおつきあい"、MARG研究会2011年4月16日
2012.3.3 鄭蝦榮, 地域における場とアイデンティティ BinN会議、東京大学 
海外渡航(Foreign Travel Experience)
2004 (33days) EU 9 countries for backpacking.
2007 (5days) Montreal, Canada for IEEE international conf. on ‘Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)’.
2007 (5days) Oregon Uni., US for meeting with Prof. Hibbard,M. ‘Corpus based discourse analysis’ ‘Community business’
2007 (5days) Johor Bharu, Malaysia for international conf. on ‘Wetland & Sustainability’
2008 (4days) Beijing, China for ‘The Applied Regional Science Conference (ARSC)’
2009 (3days) Bandung, Indonesia for 1st international symp. on ‘Water Supply Management System& Social Capital’
2009 (6days) Bari, Italy for 12th Uddevalla symposium on ‘The Geography of Innovation & Entrepreneurship’
2009 (4days) Voruneo, Malaysia for international conf. ‘Wetland & Sustainability’
2010 (3days) Shanghai, China for interview Prof. Ruan, Y.S. ‘Reflective Practitioner in Water Town Zhou Zhuang’
2010 (3days) Surabaya, Indonesia, 2nd int. symposium on ‘Water Supply Management System& Social Capital’
2010 (8days) Jonkopings, Sweden for 50th ERSA, SS on ‘Social Capital & Development Trends in Rural Area’
2011 (3days) Malang, Indonesia, 3rd int. symposium on ‘Water Supply Management System& Social Capital’
Sep 22-29, 2011, Busan and Wanju, Korea for meetings on town planning.
May 22-28, 2012, Osterland, Sweden for the 9th workshop on social capital and rural development trends.
July 15-18, 2012, Makassar, Indonesia for the 4th international conference on water supply management system and social capital.

最終更新日 2013年5月28日(火曜)11:37


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