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The First Workshop on Water Supply Management System and Social Capital organized by Kyoto University Global COE Program ”Global Centre for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities in collaboration with Institute Technology Bandung (ITB) and University of Brawijaya (UB) was held in ITB, Indonesia on March 20th ,2009.
The Workshop started at 09:00 am with opening remarks by Prof. Indratmo Soekarno, Vice President of ITB for Research, Innovation and Partnership. He emphasized on water issues such as the consequence of low water tarrif to people, i.e; causing unawareness of the importance of water value and unhealthy financial situation for PDAM (local drinking water enterprise). In the end, he expressed his hope that the Workshop would enable participants to formulate deeper research collaborations to develop appropriate innovations in solving water problems in Asian mega cities.
The event continued with keynote speech entitled Trust by Prof. Kiyoshi Kobayashi (Chairman of the Workshop on behalf of Kyoto University Global COE Program). The speech was followed by Q&A session from graduate students and lecturers of the City and Regional Planning Department and they were generally interested on how to apply the theoretical model onto real world problems.
The Workshop was designed as a platform to develop common understanding on current situation and to seek better methodology to deal with water problems through social capital approach. There were 10 invited speakers from three countries namely Japan (Kyoto University), Malaysia (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)), and Indonesia (Institute Technolgy of Bandung (ITB), Institute Technology of 10th November (ITS) and University of Brawijaya (UB)). The one day Workshop was divided into four sessions.
Professor Zulkifli Yusop (UTM) and Professor Joni Hermana (ITS) explained the complex problems of water supply system and management regulation in improving water access in Malaysia and Indonesia, respectively. Dr. Ibnu Syabri (ITB), Dr. Mohammad Cahyono (ITB) and Dr. Eddy W. Soedjono (ITS) described their ongoing research and implementation of suitable water supply technology in the Indonesian's peri-urban and rural area. The next two speakers, Dr. Teti Armiati Argo (ITB) and Tri Budi Prayogo (UB) described how communities in rural and urban area try to solve their water supply problems based on their ability.
Meanwhile, three papers from Kyoto University, presented by Associate Professor Kakuya Matsushima, Dr. Hayeong Jeong and Ismu Rini Dwi Ari, integrating their findings of a field survey conducted last year on water supply management system in Singosari District Malang Regency Indonesia. Started by Ismu, describing the current water supply system, rule of water usage based on the community's understanding and solution for better water access. Then it continued by Dr. Jeong with her analysis on relationship of education level towards type of water supply in order to capture the strength of social capital in the community. And Associate Professor Matsushima developed a Linked Game to hint the relationship between water supply problems and the role of social capital.
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The Workshop ended with closing remarks by Prof. Kobayashi in which he emphasized on future research collaboration using three approaches (theoretical-emperical-prescriptive research) and planning to hold second Workshop on Water Supply Management system and Social Capital on February 2010 at ITS Surabaya, Indonesia.
最終更新日 2013年2月22日(金曜)13:52