- Social Capital in the Post-Urban World
- Urban-Rural Relations in the Post-Urban World
- Rural-Urban Regional Relationships and Social Scape Networks in Japan
at the Post-Urban Era
- Entrepreneurial Governance as Response to Challenges for Swedish Small
and Medium Sized Towns
- Prerequisites for Local Citizen Driven Social Entrepreneurship - The
Case of Public-private Collaboration in Rural Sweden
- International Migration and Entrepreneurship Decision in Rural Area
- Development of Social Banking in Europe and its Implication for a Sus-
tainable Society
- Perceived Environment and Source of Related Information to Trigger
Recovery Activities of Rural Residents Affected by the 2015 Gorkha
Nepal Earthquake
- Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Social Capital in Ngadireso
Village, Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency
- Social Capital and the Implementation of Food Self-Sufficient Village
Program -A Case of Ngadirojo Village, Pacitan Regency-
- The Effect of the Renovation Process on the Social Network surrounding
the Site -A Project in Mitono-machi, Gifu
- Personal Networks around a Key Individual:History of a Vital Commu-
nity in Mitono, Gifu
- Efforts to generate community discussion regarding the repurposing of
an old town hall site
- Gifu's School of Dry-stone Walling
- Will local cities be able to stop population decline - Hints from Hokkaido
- Participation in Local and Regional Development Perspectives in Social
Capital, Planning and Governance. Towards a Research Agenda
- Social Movement and Collective Action on Inclusive Rural Water and
Sanitation Development
- Agriculture's transformation and land-use change in a post-urban con-
text: The case of the Stockholm region
- Mining a Diary Log and Learning QoI Discovery to Enhance Collabora-
K. Matsushima, K.Kobayashi, and H.Westlund(Eds.) 2019, 5000Yen
ISBN 978-4-907830-12-0
- Social Capital for the Future
- Omotenashi in a globalized world: Opportunities for Japanese co-value creation services
- The Countryside Development Area – A New Instrument for Management of Assets in the Swedish Countryside
- New Ruralities: The Influence of International Migration on Swedish Rural Areas
- Guesthouses’ Landladies, Municipal Merger, and The Remaking of The Rural
- Gender Equal Entrepreneurship Driver for Regional Renewal?
- A Consideration of the Evaluation Scheme of Japan’s New Challenge for Overcoming Population Decline in Terms of Logic Model Method
- Measuring Social Changes using Subjective Data
- Firm Knowledge, Neighborhood Diversity and Innovation
- A Study on Factors and Structures of Uneasiness Feelings of Residents in Sanin Region in Japan
- Migration, Commuting and Differing Local Labour Markets in Sweden
- Migration Decision of Temporal Migrant Workers and Social Capital in Rural Regions
- A Bottom-Up Approach to Regional Development Policy: A Case Study of LEADER
- Forest Owners’ Management Behavior in Developing Forestry Areas of Japan
- Trial for Sustaining Regional Life in a Peripheral Island Town - A Case of Okinoshima -
- Spontaneous Community-based ShelterManagement at the Tohoku Earthquake - In case of Miyagi Prefecture -
- The Changes in Community-Based Activities of Collecting Recyclable Waste and It Future Prospects in Japan - A Case Study of Kansai Region-
- The Management of a Condominium and Life Cycles of a New Town
- Rediscovering Groves - Modern Shrine Merger and the Local Improvement Movement -
K.Kobayashi, H.Westlund, K. Matsushima, and S. Ohno(Eds.) 2016, 5000Yen
ISBN 978-4-907830-11-3
- Social Capital, Creative Services, and Rural Development
- Entrepreneurial Governance for Local Growth
- Social Capital and The Policy for Sustainable Places
- Marginality and Sustainability of Mountainous Village and Forestry
- Innovation of Japanese Rural Communities by Means of Political Cooperation
- The New Rurality - The New Duality? Swedish Experiences
- Preliminary Study on \Affluence Indicators" in Hokkaido
- Social Capital and Migration in Rural Area - A Case of Malang Regency
- A Spatial Probit Model: Analysis of Community Activity Participation Decision
- To Love The New and Learn from History - on \Social" in Rural Development
- How Should Japanese Forests be Managed with The Broad Participation
- Changes in Citizen Volunteers' Participation in Safe Community Activities as An Important Part of Social Capital
- Project Effects of Policies for Rural development by building relationships between companies in Amakusa and companies in urban areas, from the point of social capital
- Social Capital and Community-Based Disaster Management with Private Companies The Case of Kawachi-Nagano City in Japan
K. Matsushima, H.Westlund, and K.Kobayashi (Eds.) 2014, 5000Yen
ISBN 978-4-907830-09-0
Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas Vol.8
S. Westerdahl,H.Westlund, and K.Kobayashi (Eds.) 2013, 5000Yen
ISBN 978-9186345-48-8
Water Supply Management and Social Capital Vol.3
K.Kobayashi, Surjono and I.R.D.Ari(Eds.) 2012, 5,000 Yen
Uniiversitas Brawijaya Press ISBN:978-602-203-124-6.
Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas Vol.7
K.Kobayashi, H.Westlund, and H.Jeong (Eds.) 2012, 5000Yen
ISBN 978-4-907830-08-3
Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas Vol.6
K.Kobayashi, H.Westlund, and H.Jeong (Eds.) 2011, 5000Yen
ISBN 978-4-907830-07-6
Water Supply Management and Social Capital Vol.2
K.Kobayashi and J.Hermana(Eds.) 2011, 5,000 Yen
Istitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Press ISBN:978-602-95595-3-8.
Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas Vol5.
H.Westlund and K.Kobayashi(Eds.) 2010, 5000Yen
ISBN 978-91-633-7221-6

Water Supply Management and Social Capital Vol.1
K.Kobayashi and I.Syabri (Eds.) 2010, 5,000 Yen
International Technology of Bandung Press ISBN:978-602-96625-0-4.
Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas Vol4.
K.Kobayashi, T.Tamura, H.Westlund, and H.Jeong(Eds.),2009, 5,000Yen
ISBN 978-4-907830-06-9
Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas Vol3.
K.Kobayashi, L.Westin, H.Westlund(Eds.),2008.
ISBN 978-91-7264-669-8 , 5,000Yen
日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金 基盤研究C 「金融決済方法を考慮した交通管理政策の経済効果に関する研究」 (平成18-19年度) 報告書
Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas Vol2.
Katsuhisa ITO, Hans WESTLUND, Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI, Tsuyoshi HATORI(Eds.), 2006.
ISBN: 4-907830-05-X, 5,000 Yen
Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas.
Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI, Hans WESTLUND, Kakuya MATUSHIMA(Eds.), 2005.
ISBN: 4-907830-04-1, 5,000 Yen