[ What's New ] | [ Research ] | [ Publications ] | [ Projects ] | [ Events ] | [ Miscellaneous ] |
What's New
The source code of MIRISK was uploaded at GitHub (2015.11.11)
My PhD Defense Announcement (2010.03.01)
Check my article in the Department of Urban Management Newsletter (2010.01.07).
For a summary of my job experience and education please see my LinkedIn profile.
Contact me: HERE!
I like photography. Some of my photos can be found at Flickr, deviantART and TrekEarth.
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- Open Technological Standardization Processes Through Learning Networks - 学習ネットワークを用いたオープン型技術標準化過程に関する研究
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小林裕司, Christakis MINA, 宇野伸宏, 小林潔司、2010, 教育研究情報の電子流通と著作権, 土木学会論文集H(教育). Vol. 2, No. 0, p.116-125
Mina C., The Open Collaboration Book Project: Disseminating Knowledge at the Science Frontiers, Proceedings of the 5th Joint Seminar between Tongji and Kyoto University , 2009
Kobayashi K. and Mina C., Soil Decontamination Cost Risk Evaluation, Proceedings of the EIT-JSCE Joint International Symposium on Monitoring and Modeling in Geo-Engineering, 2008
Mina C., Kobayashi K., Scawthorn C. and Porter K., Open Risk Analysis Software: Data and Methodologies, Journal of Applied Computing in Civil Engineering, 2008
Mina C., OLOGI: Open Tools, Methodologies and Data for the Logistics Sector, Proceedings of the 4th Joint Seminar between Tongji and Kyoto University , 2008
Tsutsumiuchi T., Mina C. and Scawthorn C., MIRISK - Mitigation Information and Risk Identification System, 土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会講演概要集, CD-ROM, 2008
Mina C., Tsutsumiuchi T., Scawthorn C. and Kobayashi K., Mitigating Natural Hazards Risk to Infrastructure - Open Analysis Tools, Proceedings of Infrastracture Planning, No. 36 , CD-ROM, 2007
Mina C., Evaluation of Soil Decontamination Cost Risk Using Bayesian Neural Networks, Masters Thesis, 2007
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Research Projects Involved
The Open Collaboration Book Project
Open Source Risk Engine (OSRE)
Mitigation Information and Risk Identification System (MIRISK)
Open Logistics Initiative (OLOGI)
Alliance for Global Open Risk Analysis (AGORA)
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Academic Events
The 5th Joint Seminar between Tongji and Kyoto University On Harmonious City & Transportation
Research Internship
Asian Career Development Program
The 33rd Symposium on Applied Computing in Civil Engineering (第33回情報利用技術シンポジウム)
Kyoto-Tongji Collaboration Project Meeting (May)
Uddevalla Symposium 2008
The 4th Joint Seminar between Tongji and Kyoto University in Transportation & Urban Management
1st International Conference on Asian Catastrophe Insurance
International Workshop on Disaster Casualties
36th JSCE Conference of Infrastructure Planning (Hachinohe, Aomori)
1st International Seminar on Airline and Airport Management
MIRISK Presentation at the World Bank
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最終更新日 2019年6月27日(木曜)11:40