
The 4th Workshop on Social Capital and Development Trends in Japan’s and Sweden’s Countryside

The 4th Workshop on Social Capital and Development Trends in Japan's and Sweden's Countryside in conjunct with World Conference of IGU/C 04.27
Dates :
August 20-22, 2007
Venue: Hokkai School of Commerce, Kitami, Hokkaido
Organized by: MARG (Marginal Area Research Group)
[Download Call for Paper] / [Download Tentative Programme]

Under the current progressive movement of globalization enhanced by the development of transportation networks and innovations of information systems, the existence of rural regions stands on the edge of a precipice. Regional problems that rural areas are faced with are characterized by depopulation, aging society, degradation of natural resources, just to mention a few influencing factors. So far, the national and local governments have taken various policies to overcome these problems, while limits of governmental capacity have often been demonstrated. In this context, it is the time for us to build a new paradigm of community governance in order to enhance the substance of rural regions. Especially, collaborative management of a local community supported by various stakeholders, e.g. local residents, voluntary associations, tourists, and so on is required. One of the most important concepts that we should take into consideration is the concept of “social capital.” In general, social capital refers to networks filled with norms of one’s community that enhance trust, concern for one’s associates, and cooperation. In several fields of research and public policy making, the concept of social capital swept to prominence as a key issue for community governance. Discussing and materializing the concept of social capital in a local community will contribute in enhancing the rural substance and development.

The objective of the workshop
is to discuss common topics of rural regions of Japan and Sweden, focusing upon the concept of social capital. So far, 3 workshops are already held. The first one was in Ostersund, Sweden in 2004the second was in Nichinan, Tottori, Japan in 2005, and the third one was in Umea, Sweden, in 2006. The forth one will be held in Kitami city, Hokkaido, to continue the fruitful discussion about future perspectives of countryside regions by practical use of social capital. The workshop will provide a forum to stimulate new research and innovative thinking on the interface between the concept of social capital and the development of rural regions. The workshop will be centered around a number of papers from various experts in both theoretical and empirical analysis. Topics of interest in this workshop include (but not limited):
1. Social Capital and its Management
2. Commons and its Management
3. Community Governance
4. Voluntarism, Partnership, and Local Engagement
5. Sustainable Management of Forest Resources
6. Development of Rural Regions
7. Tourism and Local Development

This seminar is open for participants from universities, research institutions, government institutions, practitioners, developer and for people who are concerned about social capital and rural development. The papers are also expected coming from various countries.

Authors are invited to submit abstracts, relating to the conference themes. The abstract should be written in English (in MS Word format only). The abstract should include title, author(s), affiliation, complete address, phone number and e-mail address.

April 15 2007 Closing date for abstracts acceptance
June 10 2007 Closing date for payment of the registration fee and accommodation fee
July 30 2007 Closing date for complete papers acceptance
August 19-22 2006 The Symposium

Fees of Registration and Accommodation
Payment: to the Japanese postal savings account named “2007 IGU/C. 04.27. Local Organizing Committee”. If you have queries, please ask professor Matsuo, with e-mail at: このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。 and work phone number +81.44.911.1290.
Fee of Registration: 12,000 yen. Inclusive of the cost of participation, document at hand, name card, lunches of 20th, 21st, and 22nd August, coffee break.
Fee of Accommodation from 19th evening to 22nd morning: 21,600 yen. “Kitami Towa Hotel.” Single room with breakfast. 30 single rooms are temporarily secured.

Title and Abstracts in MS Word format (max 300 words) may be sent by e-mail at:このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。 and also sent to Kakuya MATSUSHIMA at:このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。 as a carbon copy.

Prof. Toru TAMURA (Muroran Institute of Technology)
Prof. Hans WESTLUND (National Institute for Working Life)

Prof. Hideaki ABE (Hokkai School of Commerce)
Prof. Yasutaka MATSUO (Senshu University)
Prof. Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI (Kyoto University)

Prof. Lars Westin (Umea University)
Prof. Hideaki ABE (Hokkai School of Commerce)

Prof. Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI (Kyoto University)
Prof. Katsuhisa ITO (Shimane University)
Prof. Hans WESTLUND (National Institute for Working Life)
Prof. Yasutaka MATSUO (Senshu University)
Prof. Stig WESTERDAHL (National Institute for Working Life)
Assoc. Prof. Kenji TSUTSUMI (Osaka University)
Assoc. Prof. Kiyoshi TAKAHASHI (Kitami Institute of Technology)
Assoc. Prof. Kakuya MATSUSHIMA (Kyoto University)

Assoc. Prof. Kakuya MATSUSHIMA
Department of Urban Management
Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Kyotodaigakukatsura C-cluster, Nishikyo, Kyoto, 615-8540, JAPAN
Phone +81-75-383-3223
Fax +81-75-383-3224

17th (Fri) Meeting at Hokkaido Memanbetsu Airport in the evening, Checking in Business Hotel Abashiri city
18th (Sat) Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples at Abashir,Visiting Shiretoko, Utoro spa, Stay at Shari town for the night
19th (Sun) Visiting Koshimizu cheese factory,Kiyosato alcoholic beverage factory,Akan Lake Sightseeing, Visiting Kitami industrial complex (Kyocera corporation),Stay at Kitami for the night
20th (Mon) Plenary (morning), Parallel Sessions (afternoon)
21th (Tue) Parallel Sessions (morning, afternoon)
22th (Wed) Parallel Sessions (morning), Plenary (afternoon -3pm)

If you arrive at Tokyo(Narita) airport, you may take limousine bus to Haneda airport. Flights to Memanbetsu depart from Haneda airport, not from Narita airport.

NARITA Airport > HANEDA Airport (by Airport Limousine)
Travel Duration 1:15
Travel Fee 3,000 yen
Travel Scheduals
10:10, 10:30, 10:40, 10:50,
11:10, 11:20, 11:30, 11:40, 11:50
12:10, 12:30, 12:50
13:05, 13:15, 13:30, 13:40, 13:55
14:05, 14:15, 14:30, 14:40, 14:55

Flight. Dep. Arr.
JAL1185 12:15 13:55
ANA4773 12:25 14:05
ANA4777 16:45 18:25
JAL1189 17:50 19:30
If you arrive at Kansai(Osaka) airport, take the following flights to Memanbetsu.

NH1795 12:55 15:00
JL2619 15:55 18:00

Tentative Programme
August 20
13:30 Session 1: Chair ,Lars Westin
Economic sustainability of family farming in sparsely marginal areas, Kiyoshi Kobayashi Discussant:Lars Westin
Social capital as a driving force for local development and social economy entrepreneurship - a qualitative study based on Swedish examples, Hans Westlund Discussant:Tetsuji Uemura
The forest resources and the forestry labour market in the Nichinan town in 30 years predicted by the framework of the accounting for forest management, Tetsuji Uemura Discussant:Katsuhisa Ito
15:00 Cofee Break
15:30 Session 2: Chair ,Katsuhisa Ito
Some approaches to mathematical modeling of social capital ?interpretation as collective learning, Taka Ueda Discussant:Hans Westlund
Media, place, and social capital, Lars Westin Discussant:Taka Ueda
A study on general equilibrium models with firm-household complex, Kakuya Matsushima Discussant:Mikiharu Arimura
August 21
9:00 Session 3: Chair ,Taka Ueda
The social capitals and the change of community functions in depopulation areas- from the case study of 12 communities in san-in district -, Katsuhisa Ito Discussant:Martin Paju
Learning for active citizenship - local development in urban and rural areas, Anette Forsberg Discussant:Tohru Tamura
The consideration of the factors giving satisfaction to local residents in case of Nnichinan town, Nozomi Kaminaga Discussant:Anette Forsberg
10:30 Cofee Break
11:00 Session 4: Chair ,Hans Westlund
Social ties and social capital in areas under shrinking and marginalization process in Japan, Kenji Tsutsumi Discussant:Lisa Frobel
Cultural heritage as a catalyst for cooperation between municipalities, Martin Paju Discussant:Kenji Tsutsumi
12:00 Lunch
15:30 Session 5: Chair ,Kiyoshi Kobayashi
The roles of social leisure for vitalizing depopulated communities, Tsuyoshi Hatori Discussant:Malin Eriksson
Building the artificial societie model for interaction between networks and norms, Risa Kawashima Discussant:Tsuyoshi Hatori
Protocol analysis of a public debate using facet theory, Hayeong Jeong Discussant:
August 22
9:00 Session 6: Chair ,Tohru Tamura
An investigation on the roles of regional policy proposal system, Junya Fukumoto Discussant:Hayeong Jeong
Social capital and community participation in the context of health promotion, Malin Eriksson Discussant:Junya Fukumoto
Lone risk analysis on diary data, Takato Yasuno Discussant:Masaru Fujii
10:30 Cofee Break
11:00 Session 4: Chair ,Kenji Tsutsumi
Study on the possibility of achieving the sustainnable development of rural areas utilizing social capital, Masaru Fujii Discussant:Mia Lind
Struggle and development - deconstructing gender bias in practical socioeconomic development work, Mia Lind Discussant:Takato Yasuno

最終更新日 2013年2月22日(金曜)13:52


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