王 志远

wangzhiyuan.jpgLearning by individuals from the behavior of others and imitation pervade the social life. Issues related to such learning have been debated since the beginning of the social sciences, more than a century ago. However, in the last ten years or so they have stimulated a revival and very active research in economics, with extensions to other human science (sociology, psychology, political science). The learning from others can operate through different channels of information, and in different contexts and may be affected by externalities between the actions. The key random variable of social learning model is the state of nature. The essential tools are the binary model with two states of nature and the Gaussian model with a normal distribution of information. The beliefs of agents are defined as their subjective probabilities about the state of nature. The research concerns the housing site and transportation style selection and endogeneity testing of this model.

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最終更新日 2013年4月12日(金曜)20:09


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