Risk Management

Risk Management

Description: Risk Management involves evaluation and analysis methods for risk. Economic, Social and environmental impacts are explored and strategies to minimize risk are developed from aspects of engineering Mathematics and probability. Risk communication strategies are also developed to build consensus and reduce impacts on exposed parties. New frontiers for instance reducing impact of Natech risks are also explore.

Selected papers and theses

野内 英莉 - Dynamic Optimization of Infrastructure Investment and Repair Considering Disaster Risk (Thesis submitted to Kyoto University)

牛山 泰喜 - Haze disaster modeling considering long memory (Thesis submitted to Kyoto University)

尾形 誠一郎 - A Statistical Warning Model of Trance-Boundary Haze Disaster (Thesis submitted to Kyoto University)

Mina Christakis - Evaluation of Soil Decontamination Cost Risk Using Bayesian Neural Networks (Thesis submitted to Kyoto University)

松田 明広 - A Space-Time Model with MemoryCase Study for Haze in Peninsular Malaysia (Thesis submitted to Kyoto University)

Zhang R., K. Matsushima, and K. Kobayashi, 2017, Can land use planning help mitigate transport-related carbon emissions? A case of Changzhou , Land Use Policy, doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.04.025

Kiyoshi Kobayashi, 2013, Unforeseen risk and planning perspectives, Journal of JSCE, Vol.1, pp.431-446.

Hatori, T., Kobayashi, K. Jeong, H., 2011, Public reviews and trust formation in disaster risk management, Journal of Natural Disaster Science, Vol.32, No. 2, pp.89-97.

Kobayashi, K., Bui, T., Vu, T.D., 2011, The impact of energy and air emissions in a changing economic structure: Input-output approach, Journal of Science, Economics and Business, Vol.27, No.5E, pp.20-24.

Mamoru YOSHIDA, Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI, 2010, Disclosure Strategy for Critical Infrastructure under Terror Attacks, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference (SMC2010), Istanbul.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 31 March 2020 14:25


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