Asset Management

Asset Management

Description: Asset management deals with the problem of maximizing the present value of infrastructure investments. It considers not only the benefits and immediate costs but also the useful life of facilities and its deterioration, the life cycle costs related with maintenance and repairing activities and the uncertainties associated with all this processes. The main problem in infrastructure management is defining the scale and time of the investments under conditions of uncertainty. This problem is dealt with financial options and other related techniques. Based on financial engineering applications, life cycle cost analysis is used to economically evaluate different maintenance strategies while taking into account various kinds of risks, deterioration processes, demand levels and disasters issues. In addition, in order to consider the variations of the economic and social environment, real option theory is applied to ascertain appropriate timing and sequence of infrastructure projects implementation. In the same way, different problems that have been traditionally handled independently such as project evaluation, performance-based design, project finance, project / disaster insurance and cat bonds are systematically integrated in a comprehensive asset management technology that encompasses civil engineering systems as a whole.

Selected papers and theses

Felix Obunguta - Pavement Management Modelling with Incomplete Data: A case of Uganda (Thesis submitted to Kyoto University)

唐雅静 - The Development of Management System for Road Patrol with a Logic Model (Thesis submitted to Kyoto University)

石川 美知郎 - Cost Efficiency Evaluation of Wastewater Disposal Systems (Thesis submitted to Kyoto University)

Han, D., Kaito, K., Kobayashi, K. and Aoki, K. (2017) Management Scheme of Road Pavements Considering Heterogeneous Multiple Life Cycles Changed by Repeated Maintenance Work, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.21, No.5, pp.1747-1756, DOI: 10.1007/s12205-016-1461-x

Kobayashi, K. and Kaito, K. (2017) Big data-based deterioration prediction models and infrastructure management: towards assetmetrics, Journal of structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol.17, No.1, pp.84-93.

Shin, H., Kobayashi, K., Do,M., 2016, Estimating burst probability of water pipelines with a competing hazard model, Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol. 18, No.1, pp.126-135.

Kobayashi, K., Kaito, K. and Kazumi, K.(2015) Deterioration prediction of joint members based on long-term monitoring data, European Journal of Transportation and Logistics, Vol.4, Issue 1, pp.5-30

Han, D., Kaito, K. and Kobayashi, K. (2015) Performance Evaluation of Advanced Pavement Material by Bayesian Markov Mixture Hazard model, KSCE Journal of Civie Engineers, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering

Thao, N.G., Aoki, K., Kato, T., Toan, T.N., Kobayashi, K., Kaito, K., (2015), Practical process to introduce a customized pavement management system in Vietnam, Journal of JSCE, Vol. 3 (2015) No. 1 p. 246-258

Kobayashi, K., Kaito, K. and Nam, L.T.(2014), A Competing Markov Model for Prediction of Pavement Cracking Process, Transportation Research, Part B,Vol.68, pp.345-344

Kaito, K., Kobayashi, K. and Obama, K., 2014, Investigating Pavement Structure Deterioration with a Relative Evaluation Model, Maintenance and Safety of Aging Infrastructure: Structures and Infrastructures Book Series, Vol.10 (Dan Frangopol & Yiannis Tsompanakis Eds.), pp.343-377, CRC Press, 2014

Han, D., Kaito. K. and Kobayashi. K., 2014, Application of Bayesian estimation method with Markov hazard model to improve deterioration forecast for infrastructure asset management, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.18, I.7, pp.2107-2119

Kobayashi, K. and Kaito, K., Big-data based infrastructure management: Toward assetmetrics, 4th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil engineering, pp.70-80.

Daeseok Han, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, and Myungsik Do, 2013, Section-based Multifunctional Calibration Method for Pavement Deterioration Forecasting Model, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (2013) 17(2):386-3, DOI 10.1007/s12205-013-1934-0013-1934-0

Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Masayuki Eguchi, Akira Oi, Kazuya Aoki, and Kiyoyuki Kaito, 2013, The optimal implementation policy for inspecting pavement with deterioration uncertainty, Journal of JSCE, Vol.1, pp.551-568.

Daeseok Han and Kiyoshi Kobayashi, 2013, Criteria for the Development and Improvement of PMS Models, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (2013) 17(6):1302-1316, DOI 10.1007/s12205-013-0142-2

Kobayashi, K. and Kaito, K., 2012, Obstacle emergence risk and road patrol policy, Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering, Hindawi, Volume 20, Article ID 567509, 9pages.

Kobayashi, K., Kaito, K. and Nam, L. T., 2012, A statistical deterioration forecasting method using hidden Markov model with measurement errors, Transportation Research, Part B, Elsevier, Vol.46, pp.544-561.

Kobayashi, K. and Kaito, K., 2012, Practical asset management and its perspective toward the second generation R&D, Journal of Quantity Surveying and Construction Business, (accepted)

Kobayashi, K., Kaito, K. and Nam, L.T., 2012, A Bayesian estimation method to improve deterioration prediction for infrastructure system with Markov chain model, International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Vol.1, No.1, pp.1.-13.

Kiyoshi Kobayashi and Kiyoyuki Kaito, 2012, A mixed prediction model of ground subsidence for civil infrastructure on soft ground, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.2012, ID487246.

Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Kiyoyuki Kaito, 2011, Obstacle emergence risk and road patrol policy, Advances in Civil Engineering, Facilities, Emerald, Vol.29, Issue13/14,

Fukuda, T., Kaito, K. and Kobayashi, K., 2011, The Optimal Scrapping and Maintenance Policy of Infrastructure Considering Deterioration Process, Proceedings of International Symposium on Social Management Systems 2011, pp.108-114, Srilanka.

Mamoru Yoshida and Kiyoshi Kobayashi, 2011, Disclosure Strategy for Critical Infrastructure under Common Knowledge of Naive Government, Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Conference.

Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Kiyoyuki Kaito, 2011, Random proportional Weibull hazard model for large-scale information systems, Facilities, Vol. 29 Iss: 13/14, pp.611 - 627.

Kobayashi, K., Kaito, K. and Nam, L.T., 2010, A deterioration forecasting model with multi-stage Weibull hazard model, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, ASCE, Vol.16, pp.282-291.

Yasuhito SAKAI, Mitsuru JIDO, Hitoshi FURUTA, Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI, 2010, Risk Evaluation and Financial analysis for Road Maintenance on Urban Expressway Based on H-BMS, International Association for Bridge Maintenance And Safety (IABMAS2010) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Hisashi MORI, Eigo FUJIWARA, Kiyoyuki KAITO and Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI, 2010, Road Maintenance and Repair Strategy with Benchmarking Methodology, Proc. of Symposium on Society for Social Management System, Kochi.

Takahiro OGAWA, Yuji FUJIMORI, Shohei BENIYA, Kiyoyuki KAITO, 2010, A Simulation Model for Maintenance /Rehabilitation of Sheet-Pile Structures in a Port Facility with Reference to Seismic Risk, Proc. of Symposium on Society for Social Management System 2010.

Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI, Myungsik DO, Daeseok Han,2010, Estimation of Markovian transition probabilitiers for pavement deterioration forecasting, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.14, No.3, pp.343-351.

Tanaka, T, Nam, L.T., Kaito, K. and Kobayashi, K., 2010, Probabilistic analysis of underground pipelines for optimal renewal time, Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology, AQUA, Vol.59.6–7, pp.445-451.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 31 March 2020 14:23


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