The Eleventh Workshop on Social Capital and Development Trends in the Swedish and Japanese Countryside with special subtheme
Social Entrepreneurship for development of non-metropolitan and rural areas.
Venue: Mid Sweden University, “Styrelserummet” (Building B, Campus Östersund)
Topics of interest in this workshop include(but are not limited to):
- Social entrepreneurship and its development potential
- Social capital in business life,government and civil society
- Policies for social entrepreneurship in non‐metropolitan and rural development
- Community governance and partnerships for social entrepreneurship
- Social capital and social entrepreneurship
- Local engagement,social economy and the third sector
- Sustainable management of environmental,cultural,economic,social resources
- Tourism’s role in rural development
- Social innovation in rural areas.
- Climate changes’ threats and opportunities for the countryside
- Urban‐rural interaction
20th-22nd August, 2014, Östersund, Sweden
Mid Sweden Universityの報告記事はこちらから(スウェーデン語のみ)
Last Updated on Thursday, 27 April 2023 14:41