[案内]The 10th Workshop on Social Capital and Development Trends in Countryside


The 10th Workshop on Social Capital and Development Trends in Countryside

Amakusa Treasure Island International Exchange Hall ‘Porto’, JAPAN

May 16-18, 2013

Organized by MARG (Marginal Area Research Group)


Under the current progressive movement of globalization enhanced by the development of transportation networks and innovations of information systems, the existence of rural regions stands on the edge of a precipice. Regional problems that rural areas are faced with are characterized by depopulation, aging society, degradation of natural resources, just to mention a few influencing factors. So far, the national and local governments have taken various policies to overcome these problems, while limits of governmental capacity have often been demonstrated. In this context, it is the time for us to build a new paradigm of community governance in order to enhance the substance of rural regions. Especially, collaborative management of a local community supported by various stakeholders, e.g. local residents, voluntary associations, tourists, and so on is required. One of the most important concepts that we should take into consideration is the concept of “social capital.” In general, social capital refers to networks filled with norms of one’s community that enhance trust, concern for one’s associates, and cooperation. In several fields of research and public policy making, the concept of social capital swept to prominence as a key issue for community governance. Discussing and materializing the concept of social capital in a local community will contribute in enhancing the rural substance and development.

The objective of the workshop is to discuss common topics of rural regions of Sweden and Japan, with the concept of social capital as common denominator. This workshop is the sixth workshop with this theme. The former workshops were held in Östersund, Sweden, 2004, Nichinan, Tottori, Japan, 2005, Vindeln, Sweden, 2006, Kitami, Hokkaido, Japan 2007, and Jönköping, Sweden, 2008. Ishigaki Island, Japan, 2009, Österlen, Sweden 2010, Nara, Japan, 2011. The workshop of 2013 will be held in “Japan’s Rural Capital”, Amakusa, and will continue the fruitful discussions on rural development issues and the role of social capital.

Topics of interest in this workshop include (but not limited):

1. Social Capital and its Management

2. Commons and its Management

3. Community Governance

4. Voluntarism, Partnership, and Local Engagement

5. Sustainable Management of Forest Resources

6. Development of Rural Regions

7. Tourism and Local Development

This seminar is open for participants from universities, research institutions, government institutions, practitioners, developer and for people who are concerned about social capital and rural development. The papers are also expected coming from various countries.

All Participants are required to pay registration fee 15,000 Yen which includes workshop program materials: participant kit and a copy of paper presentation for 2-days workshop during the period May 16-17, 2013

Amakusa Treasure Island International Exchange Hall Porto, Amakusa city, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan
Address: Chuoshinmachi 5-7, Amakusa, Kumamoto, 863-0023, Japan
Tel:81-969-24-1155/ Fax:81-969-24-1800
http://hp.amakusa-web.jp/a0441/Myhp/Pub/ (only Japanese available)

10th Feb:  Deadline for abstract submission
10th March:  Information on acceptance of abstracts
10th April:  Deadline for submission of finished papers
16th-17th May: Workshop
18th May: Post-workshop excursion

Abstracts should contain maximum 300 words, be written in English and in MS Word. The abstracts should include title, author(s), affiliation, complete address, telephone number and e-mail address. Send your abstracts to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Selected papers from the workshop will be published as proceedings.

Prof. Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI (Kyoto University)
Prof. Hans WESTLUND (KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) and Jönköping International Business School)

Prof. Yasutaka MATSUO (Senshu University)
Prof. Katsuhisa ITO (Shimane University)
Prof. Kenji TSUTSUMI (Osaka University)

Prof. Lars Westin (Umea University)
Prof. Katsuhisa ITO (Shimane University)

Prof. Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI (Kyoto University)
Prof. Katsuhisa ITO (Shimane University)
Prof. Hans WESTLUND (KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) and Jönköping International Business School)
Prof. Yasutaka MATSUO (Senshu University)
Prof. Stig WESTERDAHL (Malmö University) 
Prof. Kenji TSUTSUMI (Osaka University)
Assoc. Prof. Kakuya MATSUSHIMA (Kyoto University)

Dr, Eng. Hayeong JEONG
GCOE Researcher
Department of Urban Management,
Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address: Katura4 C-1-3 R182, Kyoto Uni.,Nisikyoku,Kyoto,615-8540,Japan
TEL: +81-75-383-3415/FAX: +81-75-383-3418

A block reservation has been made at Amakusa Plaza Hotel for May 15-18, 2013. Single room is 6,000 yen (per room per night) and Twin room is 6,500 yen (per person per room per night). If you want to use a room, please let us know the room type (Single or Twin) and the meal type you want (Vegetarian comport food, only sea food, no pork and so on) by e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Detail of Amakusa Plaza Hotel
Address: Sakaemachi 4-8, Amakusa, Kumamoto, 863-0022, Japan
Tel: 81-969-23-3000 / Fax: 81-969-23-1240

BUS Kumamoto st. > Hondo Bus Center (150 min.)
AirLine   Narita(Tokyo) > Fukuoka > Amakusa
Itami(Osaka) > Fukuoka > Amakusa
Itami(Osaka) > Kumamoto > Amakusa

For the detail information about access to Amakusa, Please see the CFP on the top of this web page.


DAY1 (16 May 2013)

09:30 - 10:20 Opening greeting
10:20 - 10:40 Keynote lecture1
10:40 - 12:00 Keynote lecture2
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:00 Session 1
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 - 17:00 Session 2
18:00 - 20:00 Conference Dinner

DAY2 (17 May 2013)
09:30 - 10:20 Session 3
10:20 - 10:40 Coffee Break
10:40 - 12:00 Session 4
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:00 Session 5
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 - 16:30 Session 6
16:30 - 17:30 Closing Remarks
18:00 - 20:00 Conference Dinner

DAY3 (18 May 2013): Excursion
09:00 - 17:00 Amakusa City
・Kumamoto Parts Co.Ltd
Kumamoto Parts is a spare parts supplier. Car market is declining and Kumamoto Parts is currently start to produce baby leafs.
・Sakitsu Athedral Church
Sakitsu is an old Town of Amakusa which has christian culture. Cruise from Sakitsu to Oe.
Traditional Local Dish (Sendago Soup)
・Ueda Museum
Ueda is a successive village headman, who started the ceramic industry.

Last Updated on Monday, 08 April 2013 16:39


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