
Mangapul Lammiahan Nababanのインターシップ情報


Decentralization euphoria in Indonesia, after decades of centralistic era, result in the rise of local leaders that imply to complexity of public policy decision making process in municipality level.

This is also the impact of political cost of municipality leader election process (Bupati/Walikota) that not only raise conflict of interests but also ignite the difficult way to initiate cooperation between local government.

Basic concept of infrastructure asset management with cross jurisdiction (between regions) involving inter local government role was stipulated in various regulations related to regional governance. One of the principles of the regulation is the role of provincial government to initiate coordination between municipality.

In some cases, infrastructure assets not only being used by the users in particular region, but also by the users in other region. This issue is need to be elaborated, especially in order to motivate cooperation between local governments that involved studies as well as research about government role sharing and externalities  calculation as impact of asset development.

The Internship

My internship theme is Inter Local Government Cooperation in Urban Infrastructure Asset Management. The objectives of my internship are to set up project research with ITB about inter local government cooperation in infrastructure asset management in Indonesia; and to collect information/data about road pavement asset management in Indonesia.

I visited Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB)-Indonesia during March 10, 2010 – March 21, 2010 and discussed joint research with Dr. Miming Miharja. He is the head of Transportation Master and Doctorate Program at School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development.



I also visited Directorate General Highways, Ministry of Public Works – Jakarta and discussed about road pavement condition as well as road pavement management in Indonesia with Dr. Max Antameng, he is the head of General Planning Sub Directorate.

最終更新日 2013年2月22日(金曜)13:52