
Vu Trung Dienのインターンシップ報告

The 2nd AREES International Joint Conference

From March 12-13, 2010, the 2nd AREES International Joint Conference of “ASEAN CGE Analysis for Future of Global and Regional Economy Integration” was held at the National University of Laos, the conference is organized by the Association of Regional Econometrics and Environment Studies (AREES) in collaboration with Faculty of Economic and Business Management, National University of Laos, Laos PDR and Kyoto University, Japan. Its goal was to promote the exchange of ideas among economists, researchers, graduate students conducting quantitative analysis of global and regional socio-economic issues.

Organizing committee of the conference by co-chair from Kyoto University was Professor Kiyoshi Kobayashi, from National University of Laos was Associate Professor Phouphet Kyophilavong, from AREES Japan was Mr. Hidefumi Kaneko and from Vietnam Economic Association was Professor Nguyen Quang Thai. The committee member from Meijo University were Professor Eiji Ohno, Associate Professor Masafumi Morisugi, from Kyoto University were Associate Professor Kwangmoon Kim Associate Professor Kakuya Matsushima, from AREES Philippines was Mr. Secretario Francisco, from AREES Vietnam was Mr. Bui Trinh and from NIS Cambodia was Doctor San Thy Tan.


Participants in the conference

The first day of the conference, the top experts of the world in the fields of economic, CGE and I-O analysis have shared the knowledge of compilation and utilization of integrated database for global and regional economics in the ASEAN and East Asian countries. The opening keynotes speeches were brought to the conference by Professor Takeo Ihara and Professor Kiyoshi Kobayashi, in the first speech Professor Takeo Ihara has aimed to consider How to Intensify an Input-Output Analysis to consider Evolving Spatial Economies? And he showed the important for policy implications from his speech was how to link it to the CGE and/or SCGE models? The second keynote speech by Professor Kiyoshi Kobayashi was about a SCGE Modeling of Economic Integration in East Asia. In which he has showed the effects on the countries from the industrial relocation of the firms, the liberalization of the trade and economic integration in the globalization era.

During the conference, the researches, particularly, focused on computable general equilibrium methods, data, and applications. The considerations of the conference also emphasized on the important role of statistical integration from various areas within the national statistical system, regional cooperation in the area of statistics, including compilation and integration of statistical database, and Regional Studies.

At the end of the first day there had an exciting Open Forum chaired by Professor Kiyoshi Kobayashi, all the presenters were strongly satisfied when receiving many interesting questions related to economic issues such as CGE modeling, I-O analysis from nearly hundred young students from National University of Laos, who had been participated during the whole conference day.

The second day, the participants had a site visit for the Mekong River Basin and for Cross border economy of Laos and Thailand around Vientiane City.

In the closing session, Professor Nguyen Quang Thai, who is the next local-chair of the conference has a talk to express his thankful to the all participants, his happiness about the successful of this event in Laos. He closes the conference by giving the official invitation to all the participants, audiences to come to the next conference, which is supposed to hold next year 2011.

Photos in the first day of the conference


Prof. Kiyoshi Kobayashi and Prof. Takeo Ihara in orientation session


Prof. Kiyoshi Kobayashi and Assoc. Prof. Kwangmoon Kim


Assoc. Prof. Kakuya Matsushima in orientation session


Mr Bui Trinh from AREES Vietnam


Mr. Hidefumi Kaneko from Japan


Mr. Jun NAKAMIRA from Japan


Mr. Secretario Francisco from AREES Philippines


Presenter from Cambodia


Dr. Akio Onishi


Assoc. Prof. Phouphet Kyophilavong from Laos PDR


Prof. Jong-Hwan Ko from Germany


Asst. Prof. Sharina Farihah Hasan from Malaysia


Open Forum chaired by Prof. Kiyoshi Kobayashi


Students of National University of Laos attending the conference


Site visit for Mekong River Basin Project

In front of Thanaleng Railway Station
Prof. Kiyoshi Kobayashi and Prof. Eiji Ohno greet City's Governor

2-Visit Dean of Econ in NUOL
Greeting Assoc. Prof. Khamlusa Nouansavanh, Dean of Economics Faculty, NUOL


Prof. Kiyoshi Kobayashi, President of NUOL Assoc. Prof. Soukkongseng SAIGNALEUTH,
Prof. Takeo Ihara, and Prof. Nguyen Quang Thai

Assoc. Prof. Kakuya Matsushima and Prof. Kiyoshi Kobayashi on stage at dinner meeting

最終更新日 2013年2月22日(金曜)13:52